Self Testing

Energy Kinesiology

Empower Yourself with Clarity, Freedom and Sovereignty

Welcome, my friend.

Your body is drawing you toward health in every moment. You are constantly unfolding, constantly healing, constantly moving towards balance and strength. 

Energy kinesiology is founded on that truth, and it has been the most potent tool I have discovered in my years of self-healing and study.

It has served me like a lantern, illuminating dark formless confusion and noise. 

I have experienced transformation in my body, my soul, my health, relationships, calling, finances and so much more.  I am freaking thrilled to place this tool in your hands, and teach you how to use it!

Let’s jump right in together.

My prayer is that this tool empowers you with an experience of clarity and perspective, and the ability to access Truth. May you be free. May you be sovereign. May you be whole.

May you be infused with courage, meaning, and hope.

This is a self-paced journey.

Simply follow along and take one step at a time.

Step 1: Energy Exchange

I have chosen to operate on the honor system with my virtual content. If you haven’t yet paid the $88 for this self-guided retreat here are my direct links to do so:

Venmo: Elizabeth-Bennett-86

PayPal: @radiantbyliz

Step 2: Gather a few items to experiment with:

  1. Stainless steel spoon (you can confirm by checking if it grabs a magnet!)

  2. A glass of water.

  3. Several foods you commonly eat.

  4. 1 obviously toxic item not for human consumption (think laundry detergent or drain cleaner

    or WD-40.)

  5. Any other substances that you want to test.

  6. Print ALL the documents in this folder! (Here)

Practice is essential!

I cannot emphasize enough that practicing is key for kinesiology! Here are a few videos to follow along with! Embody playfulness and curiosity. Thats how we humans learn best!

Setting aside a few minutes a day to practice and care for your body is invaluable.

Just imagine, healing at the most fundamental level… the voltage that powers and instructs your entire body. It’s life changing.

More About Energy Medicine Here

If you have any issues with playback here is a direct link to the main video file.

If you are needing deeper,

one-on-one support, reach out.

I would be honored to be with you.

Brave soul, thank you for tending to your heart… Your body… As you care for yourself and embrace the polarity of this journey, you heal… And in your own healing, your light gets brighter… Which in turn brightens the whole earth. So thank you, thank you so much.


As always, I acknowledge I am standing on the shoulders of generations of incredible teachers, scientists, and wise ones. Thank you to all my teachers; Dr. Sara Allen & Debra Hurt, Ana Morales Coley, all my healers and nurturers, Dr. Goodheart, Dr. Thie, & Donna Eden. My greatest teachers are my clients and loved ones. Thank you.